Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Shining Symbol--oil, 5x7"

A "night scene" of the Alamo. I am looking forward to doing larger paintings, but they will take more time.
Alamo Forever--acrylic, 6x8"

I almost never use acrylics, but sometimes the quick-drying can be useful. I use to use acrylics for murals.
Simply Freedom--oil, 5x7"

A "folk art" style.
Ghosts of Heroes--oil, 5x7"

Some in the series will emphasize color or effect more than detail.
Southwest Landmark--oil, 8x10"

This may look more like peoples' stereotype of Texas.
Welcome, Visitors--oil, 8x10"

The second in the series. My intention with the series is, in part, to experiment with different painting styles and approaches, use intuitive color, and have fun.
The Alamo--pastel, 11x14"

The first of the series of paintings of the Alamo. This one was done in a semi-impressionistic/pointillistic style, similar to an illustration I did for a newspaper advertisement for Austin's Four Seasons Hotel years ago.